Two Theorists- Henry Jenkins & Sonny Ganguly
- Web 2.0
Jenkins suggested in the early 2000’s that thanks to Web 2.0, high speed broadband and ‘black box’ devices (smart phones/ TVs/ tablets) audience would never have to leave the house to consume media products. Web 2.0 describes the current state of the web, which has more user-generated content and usability for end-users.
Web 2.0 Group Discussions
1. Define the terms media product, media sector, media producers and media consumers
media product- any book, magazine or other publication, sound recording, video recording, and/or other media product in any format.
media sector- the main media sectors are film, television, video games, print, publishing and also the internet.
media producers- work on films, TV and radio to create programmes with directors and other production staff. arranges funding for projects and keep the schedule to a set timescale and budget. its a responsible role and overseeing the process from start to finish.
media consumers- A person who receives and interprets media texts or images
2. What is Web 2.0? Who came up with the idea? Can you explain the effect this has had on the internet itself and on us as consumers?
Web 2.0- the second stage of development of the internet, characterized especially by the change from static web pages to dynamic or user-generated content and the growth of social media.
The term was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 and later popularized by Tim O'Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference in late 2004
Web 2.0 technologies pave the way for innovation through sharing of knowledge. It facilitates crowdsourcing, thus allowing the government to share information internally as well as with the public thus providing a platform from which innovation can occur.
3. What impact do you think Web 2.0 has had on advertising?
This shift in building websites separates content and form, allowing users to upload web content without complicated code – now anyone can easily create web content. Therefore Web 2.0 subverts the traditional broadcast model and chaos reigns. Anybody can be a publisher and find an audience, and consumers have more clout through blogs, forums and ratings sites; influential Web 2.0 sites include social networking site MySpace, interactive broadcasting site YouTube and file sharing site BitTorrent.
4. Explain how advertising on social media can be said to be ‘below the line’?
Back in the day, above the line advertising - in print, on billboards and on air - was all about driving awareness and brand-building. Below the line direct marketing - such as mailshots and telemarketing - was all about personalisation and conversions. Today, email newsletters and social media straddle this line completely. They allow us to talk to the world and have a one-to-one conversation. Online marketing has to achieve both widespread awareness and real results - all at the same time.
5. Can you think of another form of web-based advertising that might use ‘below the line’ marketing?
Telemarketing is the direct marketing of goods or services to potential customers over the telephone or the internet. Four common kinds of telemarketing include calls, inbound calls, lead generation and sales calls
1. According to Ganguly, what three main advantages does social media have over some traditional advertising methods? Add these advantages to your mindmap.
Advanced Targeting Options
-Interest targeting:
Reach specific audiences by looking at their self-reported interests, activities, skills, pages/users they have engaged with, etc. it's often related to keyword targeting, so some platforms will allow you to enter both. Interests can be as general as an industry (e.g. automotive industry) or as specific as a product (e.g. convertibles). Offered by: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (under “Skill”), Pinterest.
-Behavioural/Connection targeting:
reach people based on purchase behaviours or intents and/or device usage. With connection targeting, you can reach people who have a specific kind of connection to your page, app, group, or event. Both types of targeting take past behaviour into account to help you determine intent.
-Custom targeting:
Reach audiences by uploading a list of email addresses, phone numbers, users IDs, or usernames. Facebook calls its custom targeting Custom Audiences, while Twitter calls its own Tailored Audiences. They’re largely based on the same concept: if you have a known group of people you’d like to target, you can simply upload them and target them directly (provided that the social network can match the data you’re uploading with real profiles).
-Lookalike targeting:
Reach new people who are similar to an audience you care about. it helps businesses extend their custom audiences to reach new, similar users. For those businesses looking to acquire new customers through social media advertising, lookalike targeting can be a fantastic acquisition tool.
Improved Conversion Tracking
it requires that you add a snippet of code to the page on your website where the conversion will take place, so it does require a bit of technical ability and extra effort, but you’ll then be able to attribute any conversions on that page to the ads you’re running.
Conversion tracking helps your business be smarter about your ad spend and strategy. If your ad is receiving a lot of clicks (which you are paying for) but no conversions, it’s a wasted investment. This information will allow you to better optimize your ad copy and targeting.
Mobile Dominance
Mobile users are already checking Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and/or Pinterest multiple times a day, so advertising to them while they’re within those apps is the best way to reach them without being disruptive.
The data back this up: mobile advertising was on course to comprise 68% of Facebook’s revenue and 84% of Twitter’s in 2014, and two-thirds of social media advertising spend is forecasted to go towards mobile ads in 2018, creating a $9.1 billion market on mobile. This, coupled with the fact that over half of mobile phone users globally will have smartphones in 2018, means that social media advertising on mobile is a huge growth market in the next three years.
2. Pick one media product you have watched or interacted with in the past month. In what way has social media advertising for the product reached you? Give specific advertising examples and images
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