Wednesday, February 2, 2022


 news of the world

arrests of journalists

interviewed in parliament

big boss caught up in it 

revealed Millie Dowler phone was hacked 

how did the paper know the family were there tracking in private

papers hackers

journalists realised people didn't really change their voicemail codes so they guessed them and listened in to royals, celebrities

phone hacking on an industrial scale 

hundreds of hacking calls  a month 

one hack David Blunketts affair former home sec 

proof on the voicemails

some apparently didn't know about the hacking

senior staff would want the interviewees personal phone numbers

trial was bout who knew what 

basically everyone knew but hidden from Rebekah Brooks

still facing corporate action

The Levenson Inquiry

-how the newspapers came about to be regulated more

The Leveson inquiry was a judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone hacking scandal, chaired by Lord Justice Leveson, who was appointed in July 2011. A series of public hearings were held throughout 2011 and 2012. The Inquiry published the Leveson Report in November 2012, which reviewed the general culture and ethics of the British media, and made recommendations for a new, independent, body to replace the existing Press Complaints Commission, which would have to be recognised by the state through new laws. Prime Minister David Cameron, under whose direction the inquiry had been established, said that he welcomed many of the findings, but declined to enact the requisite legislation. Part 2 of the inquiry was to be delayed until after criminal prosecutions regarding events at the News of the World, but the Conservative Party's 2017 manifesto stated that the second part of the inquiry would be dropped entirely, and this was confirmed by Culture Secretary Matt Hancock in a statement to the House of Commons on 1 March 2018.

10 key witnesses

Newspaper Regulations

The Editors Code of Practice set the rules that newspapers are meant to follow. They are enforced by IPSO:

  • Accuracy
  • Privacy
  • Harassment
  • Intrusion into grief or shock
  • Children
  • Children in sex cases
  • Hospitals
  • Reporting of Crime
  • Clandestine devices and subterfuge
  • Victims of sexual assault
  • Discrimination
  • Financial journalism
  • Confidential sources
  • Witness payments to criminal trials
  • Payment to criminals
  • The Public Interest
Newspaper Regulations- WEBSITES
Choose one of the ‘tabloid’ newspaper listed below. Explore their website. Find stories that you think might break the Editor’s Code of Conduct. Record them on your blog and explain why you think they might be breaking the code:

there's a huge invasion of privacy, accuracy is not there as its a lot of opinion based reporting, starts talking about his family 

Newspaper Regulations

Grand Theft Auto: A Controversial Mess of a Franchise

The GTA Franchise has been mired by controversy since its inception in 1997. The original top-down game was marketed by Maxwell Clifford, who planted stories in tabloid newspapers attacking the violence found in the game.

Contemporary Press Release:

Wired Article:

Do you think Clifford manipulated the theory of moral panics? - yes

Bad to Worse
The release of GTA III marked the series transition into 3D, and with that more controversy.
The game was banned in Australia after failing to submit it to the Australia Board of Classification, and was awarded the highest rating possible, meaning that the game could not be sold in normal shops. A censored version had to be made.
The controversy surrounded the ability to murder anyone on the map, as well as have implied sex with prostitutes, and then steal their money afterwards. 
The censored version had the gore and the prostitution elements removed completely.

Hot Coffee
Probably the most infamous controversy to hit the games, the ‘Hot Coffee’ mod was found in copies of GTA: San Andreas. 
A piece of cut content allowed players to participate in a mini-game that simulated sexual intercourse.
Not accessible without directly hacking or ‘modding’ the game.

the key developments from this fandom article: 

Is it fair to penalise a game from a ratings board that isn’t accessible without modifying the manufactured version?
-probably not because if you cant specially access it then yk 

But, still, controversy was abound.
-On 27 June 2008, six teenagers were arrested after participating in a crime spree in New Hyde Park, New York. The teenagers mugged a man, knocking his teeth out, attempted to hijack a car, and smashed a passing van with a bat. According to the Nassau County Police, the teenagers claimed that they were inspired by Grand Theft Auto IV. 
-On 4 August 2008, BBC Newsbeat reported that an 18-year-old student had been arrested in Bangkok, Thailand for the murder of a taxi driver after attempting to hijack the vehicle. Bangkok police captain Veerarit Pipatanasak stated that the student "wanted to find out if it was as easy in real life to rob a taxi as it was in the game", and Grand Theft Auto IV was subsequently banned in Thailand as a result. 
-On 24 August 2013, Sky News reported that a 90-year-old woman was killed in Slaughter, Louisiana when her grandson, an eight-year-old boy, shot her in the head with a handgun after playing Grand Theft Auto IV.

Should this series be banned completely? 
- no because they make too much money from it 
Does this support desensitization theory? Do we think the video games are solely responsible for this violence?  
-when people are exposed and become numb to it so therefore more likely to carry out violence

Gamechangers = a summary 

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