-Reception Theory
- Hypodermic Needle Theory eg fuel crisis
- Bandura (1963) Bobo Doll Experiment
- Bandura (1963) showed that we learn aggressive behaviour from the people we observe.
- This means that the people around us could be said to be responsible for our aggression
- This can be dangerous as aggressive people may not take responsibility for their actions
-Bandura- Media Effects Debate
- The media can implant ideas into the audience directly
- Audiences acquire attitudes, emotion response and new styles of conduct through modelling
- Media representations of transgressive behaviour can lead audiences to imitate these
- Bandura (1963) – suggests that reinforcement is not just external but internal too
- We monitor our own actions – if rewarded (feel good about acting aggressively) we are more likely to repeat action or behaviour
Children may have known what was expected. Noble (1975) reports that one child arriving at the laboratory for the experiment said
'Look Mummy, there's the doll we have to hit.’
Because the experiment took place in a lab setting, some critics suggest that results observed in this type of location may not be indicative of what takes place in the real world.
The study might suffer from selection bias. All participants were drawn from a narrow pool of children who share the same racial and socioeconomic background.
Many of the children had never seen a bobo doll before so the only understanding they had of it came from the video they watched.
Since data was collected immediately, it is also difficult to know what the long-term impact might have been.
It also implies that the audience is passive and does not have any control over the way the media affects them (contravening the ideas of Stuart Hall)
Charlton et al (2000) showed very different results. They observed children on an island called St Helena. The island did not have any TV so children learned how to behave from their parents and other family members and peers.
- When TV was introduced, Charlton wanted to see how much aggressive TV would change the children’s behaviour.
- After 2 years of TV being available the children were observed.
- There was NO increase in aggressive behaviour in the children. This shows that just watching aggression on TV does not automatically lead to aggressive behaviour.
Video Game Violence in the news
The two step flow model
The two- step flow model of communication says that most people form their opinions under the influence of ‘opinion leaders’ – people who we view as experts or more knowledgeable than us. This would include social media influences. These opinion leaders are in turn influenced by mass media (and nowadays often work for/ with media producers.
Use and Gratification Theory (Blumler and Katz)
- Surveillance/ Education – gives us information about what is going on around us and what we are interested in.
- Entertainment/Escapism/Diversion – provides the opportunity for enjoyment, relaxation and distraction.
- Personal Identity – Some audiences like to watch or read media texts because they can compare their life experience with those represented in it. Enjoyment can be a result of seeing similar representation or feeling that we are better.
- Personal Relationships/ Social Interaction – People use the media to form relationships with others (we talk to our friends about the media but we also follow the characters/ people in the media). Social media can now spark an immediate reaction.
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